Apply now for field technician positions for Summer 2025!


Niwot Ridge, a research site of the Niwot Ridge LTER.

The Niwot Ridge LTER is excited to announce three summer field technician positions. Come work with us in the beautiful Rocky Mountains above Boulder, Colorado!

We will hire two general field technicians and one vegetation field technician to help us conduct research on Niwot Ridge this summer. We are accepting applications from Monday, March 10th through Sunday, March 23rd. Read on for more information and links to the job postings through the University of Colorado- Boulder.

General Field Technicians: The General Field Technicians positions will work on a number of LTER research projects including plant and animal surveys, alpine lake sampling, soils monitoring, and meteorological instrument installation. Some laboratory and data entry work may be expected as well. One position is for nine weeks and starts on June 23rd, 2025. The other position is for 12 weeks and starts on June 2nd, 2025. View and apply for one or both of these general tech position here.

Vegetation Field Technician: The Vegetation Field Technician will assist with vegetation surveys, plant biomass harvests, and general plot maintenance in long-term experimental plots in the alpine tundra. Most of the work will be done outdoors, in the alpine tundra. Work will will require accurate plant species identification in plots from a range of long-term projects established to detect and document changes in alpine vegetation in response to various and changing climatic conditions. Some work will also be done in the laboratory and include entering data. This position starts on June 16, 2025. View and apply for this vegetation tech position here.

Green Lake 4, another research site of the Niwot Ridge LTER.

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