Meet the Niwot Team
Principal Investigators
Professor, University of Colorado- Boulder
As Principal Investigator for the Niwot Ridge LTER, I oversee all aspects of the project, including supervising staff, managing the budget, and leading annual reporting to the National Science Foundation. Research in my lab works at the nexus of population biology, community ecology, and evolutionary biology to understand how plants adapt and persist in a constantly changing world.
Professor, University of Colorado- Boulder
For the Niwot Ridge LTER, I co-lead the collection of biogeochemical variables and advise on the long-term collection of surface water samples for chemical analyses. More broadly, I am an interdisciplinary environmental scientist with a background in biogeochemistry and hydrology. I seek to understand how the flows of carbon, nutrients, and water are changed by human activities and how those changes may affect human welfare.
Professor, University of Colorado- Boulder
For Niwot, I co-lead plant community ecology research activities. I work at the interface of ecosystem, landscape and population biology, and my goal is to apply cutting-edge “usable” science to the challenges of restoration, species invasion, and environmental change. My lab group works with a variety of conservation groups, government agencies and land managers.
Professor, University of Colorado- Boulder; Director, Mountain Research Station
For the Niwot Ridge LTER, I lead the collection and analysis of long-term chickadee breeding data. My research group uses natural hybrid zones and recent radiations to understand the genetic bases of traits involved in reproductive isolation, population divergence, and speciation. We also study the impacts of anthropogenic change, including climate change, on species distributions, interactions, and evolution.
Research Scientist, University of Colorado- Boulder
Project Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research
At Niwot, I lead integration and modeling activities. More broadly, I research terrestrial ecosystems and their interactions with and feedbacks to climate change. I am especially interested in integrating ecological insights into Earth system models and working across disciplines related to biogeochemistry, ecology, hydrology, and atmospheric sciences.
Permanent Staff
As Information Manager for Niwot, I lead data archiving and quality control, as well as collaborate with researchers and graduate students on analyses of Niwot data. In particular, I use long-term and multi-site data to understand ecological impacts of climate change, with a focus on phenology & tundra plant community ecology.
I lead the collection of Niwot climate and hydrological field data and run remote data acquisition communications for our meteorological stations and environmental sensor networks. I also help with all aspects of field logistics, serve as a liason with the CU Boulder Mountain Research Station, and train and supervise field staff, undergraduate summer technicians, and winter interns.
I coordinate the research, project management, and team communication of the Niwot Ridge LTER to facilitate our research, education, and outreach goals. This includes managing and updating the Niwot listserv and our website, collaborating on annual reports and project reviews, and supporting our broadening participation and education and outreach activities.
I design and implement Broader Impacts activities that pertain to school-aged children, undergraduate and graduate students, and public audiences.
As a vegetation scientist and botanist, I lead the collection and curation of all long-term vegetation datasets. I also provide scientific illustrations, develop models of plant productivity and snow cover duration, and supervise summer technicians.
I support the field collection and processing of long-term datasets for vegetation, stream and lake, climate, and snow. I am also responsible for maintenance of the sensor network array equipment.
I lead the collection and analysis of core aquatic datasets (lakes and streams) and support the collection of field data for climate and vegetation long-term datasets. My primary research interest lies in the interannual variation of water chemistry and under-ice lake productivity within the context of a changing climate.
Senior investigators
University of California- Riverside
Leads the collection of pond environmental and macroinvertebrate data.
University of Colorado- Boulder
Provides support for the design and collection of ecophysiological data.
University of Colorado- Boulder
Supports the collection and interpretation of climate data and maintenance of instrumentation.
Colorado State University
Studies carbon cycling and hydrology to understand belowground responses to climate change.
University of Colorado- Boulder
Contributes to analysis of long-term datasets and short-term experiments and education efforts.
University of Colorado- Boulder
Leads analyses to predict the temperature sensitivity of soil microorganisms.
Colorado State University
Leads the collection and analysis of our forest permanent plot network.
University of Colorado- Boulder
Contributes to the design and analysis of our lake sampling program and runs aquatic mesocosm experiments.
University of Colorado- Boulder
Involved in modeling fine-scale hydrological dynamics across Niwot Ridge and the Green Lakes Valley.
University of Colorado- Boulder
Leads the collection and analysis of snow data and develops models of snow under climate change.
U. S. Geological Survey; North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center
Contributes to plant demography research and facilitates partnership-building with local, state, and federal agencies.
University of Colorado- Boulder
Leads the collection and analysis of water quality and physical longterm datasets for lakes.
Colorado State University
Leads work on stream biodiversity and ecology in the Green Lakes Valley.
University of Colorado- Boulder
Leads collection and analysis of American pika response to climate.
University of Colorado- Boulder
Leads studies of biogeochemistry and microbiology in the cryobiosphere and studies biogeochemical and biodiversity under climate change.
University of Colorado- Boulder
Leads the collection of arthropod and pollinator species diversity data.
University of Wyoming
Leads an experiment examining potential for range expansion of a subalpine plant into the alpine under global change scenarios and leads an analysis of global change impacts on plant community synchrony dynamics
University of California- Riverside
Leads the collection and analysis of plant functional trait data for our trait database and our Tundra Warming Experiment. Also organizes efforts to broaden participation within the Niwot Ridge LTER, both in the field and in academic settings.
Postdoctoral researchers
University of Colorado- Boulder
Leads analyses of global change experiments in alpine tundra plant communities.
National Ecological Observatory Network; University of Colorado- Boulder
Leads ecosystem modeling of alpine responses to climate change.
Graduate students
Robert Andrus
School of the Environment
Washington State University
Cliff Bueno de Mesquita
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Colorado- Boulder
Diane Ebert-May
Distinguished Professor
Michigan State University
Katja Friedrich
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
University of Colorado- Boulder
Iggy Litaor
Galilee Research Institute and Tel Hai College
Upper Galilee, Israel
Daniel Liptzin
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
University of Colorado- Boulder
Nicole Miller-Struttmann
Department of Biology
Webster University
Courtenay Ray
Department of Biology
University of Wyoming
Klara Scharnagl
Jepson Herbarium
University of California- Berkeley
Kamini Singha
Department of Geology and Geological Engineering
Colorado School of Mines
Ryan Webb
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
University of Wyoming
To discuss becoming an affiliate of the Niwot Ridge LTER, please contact our project coordinator.
To see recent alumni of the Niwot Ridge LTER, click here.