Providing a hub for data and synthesis in the scientific community


Peer-reviewed journals offer an opportunity to communicate about our research with the broader science community. We write papers to share data and knowledge, to ask questions, identify gaps in research, and raise the alarm about worrisome trends in our findings.


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A rich history of sharing our work


19 publications

from Niwot Ridge LTER in the last year


Over 120 years

of scientific publications (our first paper was published in 1900)


over 100000 citations

to Niwot Ridge LTER publications


Acknowledging niwot in your Publications

Publications that make use of Niwot resources must include proper acknowledgement, including citing datasets in a similar way to citing a journal article. Here is an overview of why citing data is important.

The following acknowledgment should accompany any publication using Niwot data:

“Data for this research were provided by the Niwot Ridge LTER program (NWT VII: NSF DEB – 1637686, NWT VIII: NSF DEB - 2224439).”

or, to acknowledge logistical support only:

“Logistical support for this research was provided by the Niwot Ridge LTER program (NWT VII: NSF DEB – 1637686, NWT VIII: NSF DEB - 2224439).”


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Share your findings from the Ridge


If you are using our datasets in your research, or if you’re conducting research at Niwot directly, tell us about what you are finding!

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