Dr. Kate Hale, former Niwot grad student, begins faculty position at the University of British Columbia.


Dr. Kate Hale in her element.

As a graduate student working with Dr. Noah Molotch at CU Boulder, Dr. Hale developed a new index of snow water storage and used this to study changes in snow water storage and hydrologic partitioning across the Saddle Catchment.

After completing her MS and PhD in Geography at the University of Colorado Boulder in 2022, Dr. Hale conducted research as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Vermont and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Now an expert in snow hydrology in alpine and mountain environments, she begins an exciting new position as assistant professor in the Geography Department of the University of British Columbia!

Read more about Dr. Hale’s new appointment at UBC.

Check out Dr. Hale’s website.

Read about Dr. Hale’s research on Niwot Ridge.

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